Megaproject Leaders: Reflections on personal life stories
This book analyzes the life stories of 16 megaproject leaders from 10 different countries. 18 international academics present the results of two years of research and interviews with the leaders.
This book is based on a reflective methodological approach. In presenting the lessons learned through experience, it allows to have a new perspective on megaproject management and to identify new trends.
Drouin, N., Sankaran, S., Van Marrewijk, A. & Müller, R. (eds). (2021). Megaproject Leaders: Reflections on personal life stories. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
New book explores personal experiences and perspectives of megaproject managers, published by PM World Journal, August 2021.
Walker, D. (2021), “Book review – megaproject leaders – reflections on personal life stories“, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 14 No. 4, pp. 1046-1063.
A review [in Dutch] in the national no1 construction magazine Cobouw describes the book as “a “must read” for all those who dare to allow for ambiguity, insecurity and complexity in their projects”: Megaprojecten: menselijke leiders gevraagd –
Sankaran, S., Drouin, N., Clegg, S., Freeder, D. (2021). Human Aspects of Megaproject Leadership Event. Engineers Australia. October 6.
Sankaran, S. (2021). Advances of leadership in projects and programs. Project Management South Africa National Conference 2021. November 23-24.
van Marrewijk, A., Sankaran, S., Drouin, N., Müller, R. (2021). Space and Place in Leading Temporary Organizations: A Narrative Inquiry into Megaproject Leadership, 37th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 60, Amsterdam, July 8-10.
van Marrewijk, A. (2021). Dit zijn de vaardigheden die leiders van megaprojecten nodig hebben, [online] May 31. is an important platform in the build environment community in Netherlands.
Drouin, N., Sankaran, S., van Marrewijk, A. & Müller, R. (2021). IPMA Book Club: Megaprojects Leaders, London, UK, March 24.
Drouin, N., Sankaran, S., van Marrewijk, A. & Müller, R. (2021). Seminar on Megaproject Leadership, Sydney, Australia, February 25.
Sankaran, S., van Marrewijk, A. & Müller, R. (2020). Narrative Inquiry into Megaproject Leadership: a Novel Framework for Analysis, EURAM 2020, December 4-6.
Drouin, N. (2020). Mega Project Leaders. EDEN Doctoral Seminar Next Generation Project Manager, SKEMA Business School, August 19-21.
Maude Brunet, HEC Montréal
Stewart Clegg, University of Technology Sydney
Andrew Davies, University College London
Nathalie Drouin, Université du Québec à Montréal
Daphne Freeder, University of Technology Sydney
Ashwin Mahalingam, IIT Madras in Chennai
Harvey Maylor, Oxford University
Ralf Müller, BI Norwegian Business School
Bernard Naughton, University of Oxford
Shankar Sankaran, University of Technology Sydney
Yvonne Schoper, University of Applied Science Berlin
Natalya Sergeeva, University College London
Quian Shi, Tongji SEM
John Steen, University of British Colombia
Alfons van Marrewijk, VU University Amsterdam
Linzhuo Wang, Dalian University of Technology
Chao Xiao
Fangei Zhu, Dalian University of Technology