Welcome to the Research Chair INFRA-S website !
The Chair INFRA-S on social value of infrastructures was founded on February 28, 2023 by the Board of Directors of UQAM. The Chair INFRA-S offers a pragmatic approach, multidisciplinary and co-construction of knowledge in order to:
• Enlighten key actors of the infrastructure ecosystem on the ways to meet social challenges and;
• Empower these key actors with tools to integrate best practices that support social value of infrastructures and more responsible governance, to meet the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment.
The Chair is in line with the objectives of UQAM and ESG, which aim to promote collaborative research, the development of governance and a sustainable living environment.
Presentation video of the Chair INFRA-S (french)
Appointment to the Canadian Space Agency: Congratulations to Professor Nathalie Drouin !
We are pleased to announce that Nathalie Drouin, Professor at ESG UQAM and Chairholder of the Research Chair INFRA-S, has been officially appointed as a member of the Departmental Audit Committee of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. This prestigious distinction reflects her remarkable expertise in project management, finance,…
Social value of infrastructure projects : the case of the U de S solar park
The presentation by Manuella Cess, a Master’s student in Environmental Management at UdeS, explores the social value generated by infrastructure projects, with the UdeS solar park serving as a case study. Under the guidance of researchers Marie-Luc Arpin and Sofiane Baba, the study investigates the dynamic nature of social value, shaped by stakeholders’ values and…
Highlighting Guillaume Saint-Julien’s Thesis Presentation: A Success for the INFRA-S Chair
The Chair INFRA-S was pleased to host the presentation of Guillaume Saint-Julien’s thesis findings, recently submitted on September 15, 2024. This presentation, titled “ESG Infrastructure and Performance: Case Study of the Vickers Overpass”, was a success both in person and online. The presentation offered participants the opportunity to discover the results of in-depth research on…