Scientific Committee

Nathalie Drouin, Chairholder
Nathalie Drouin holds a PhD from Cambridge University, UK, a post-doctorate École Polytechnique de Montréal, an MBA at HEC Montreal, a bachelor’s degree in law, University of Sherbrooke. From 2016 to 2023, she was the Executive Director at KHEOPS, an International Research Consortium on the Governance of Large Infrastructure Projects and she is now the Chairholder of the research chair INFRA-S. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, a full professor in Project Management at the Department of Management, ESG UQAM and Adjunct Professor at University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. Her research looks at governance of major infrastructure projects, the integration of non-financial benefits, social impacts of infrastructure projects, organizational project management, balanced leadership in projects and megaprojects. She is a member of the Board of Directors of CARGOM. She is also a member of the Global PM World Academic Advisor team and the Program Advisory Council, PM Program at Northeastern University in Toronto. She was Distinguished Visiting Scholar at UTS to share best practices in the structure and governance of university research. Mrs. Drouin was vice-dean of research at ESG UQAM and director of graduate programs in project management. She has practiced law in international law firms and acted as a consultant to companies and government agencies in the areas of strategy and project management. She received four prestigious research awards: the IPMA Global Research Award (2019) for her work on balanced leadership in projects; the Walt Lipke Award (Australia) on the governance and control of major projects; the 2021 PMI Cleland Award for the book Organizational Project Management: Theory and Implementation and; the 2022 PMI Research Achievement Award. These awards were obtained in collaboration with her colleagues Ralf Müller, BI Norwegian Business School and Shankar Sankaran, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.

Skander Ben Abdallah, Member of the scientific committee and researcher
Skander Ben Abdallah holds a Ph.D. in economics and a Master degree in civil engineering. He is a professor at the School of Management Sciences (ESG) of the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM). His expertise relates to project management, risk management and project finance. He explores several approaches to better design and manage projects and project portfolios in complex and uncertain environments by seizing sources of managerial and design flexibility. His research has been published in scientific journals including the Revue d’Analyse Économique, International Journal of Project Management, International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Resource and Energy Economics and Journal of Modern Project Management. He is a member-researcher of the Infra-S Chair (Research Chair on the social valorization of infrastructures at UQAM).

Marie-Andrée Caron, Member of the scientific committee and researcher
Marie-Andrée Caron, PhD, is a full professor, Department of Accounting, School of management at Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG UQAM). Her areas of research interest included the performance of public organizations and infrastructure megaprojects, and the professional practice and discourse. The results of her work have been published in major academic journals such as Accounting, Auditing and Control, Accounting, Accountability and Auditing, Journal, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal and Journal of Cleaner Production, Politiques & management public, Accounting Education, International Journal of Project Management in Business, Journal of Applied Accounting Research et Revue Française de Gouvernance d’Entreprise.

Camélia Radu, Member of the scientific committee and researcher
Camélia Radu is an Associate Professor of Accounting at ESG-UQAM (University of Quebec at Montreal – Ecole des sciences de gestion, Canada). She holds a PhD in Business Administration (Accounting) from HEC Montreal. She teaches undergraduate advances financial accounting and graduate research methodology and corporate disclosure courses. Her research focuses on environmental and social disclosure, governance, and cybersecurity. He published in academic journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy and the Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Journal of Management and Governance.

Sofiane Baba, Member of the scientific committee and researcher
Sofiane Baba is associate professor of strategic management at the School of Management of the Université de Sherbrooke. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on strategic management, corporate social responsibility, social and institutional change dynamics, and the social acceptability of development projects. His work has been published in various journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, M@n@gement, Management International, and the International Journal of Project Management. He holds a Master of Science in Strategy and a PhD in Organization Theory and Strategy from HEC Montréal. He currently acts as Director of the Doctorate in Administration and Director of the Graduate Diploma in Administration at the School of Management of the Université de Sherbrooke.

Gulliver Lux, Member of the scientific committee and researcher
Professor Gulliver Lux, an Associate Professor in Management Sciences, is a passionate scholar whose academic journey exemplifies his commitment to advancing knowledge. Holding an HDR since 2020, he earned his doctorate from the University of Rennes, specializing in management control, performance management, and the psychosociology of management tools. His current research, funded by the CRSH, explores the issue of the appropriation and use of management tools and performance measurement, particularly in connection with emotions. Simultaneously, Professor Lux leads innovative projects, including accounting in the age of the Anthropocene, performance management in social services and its dehumanizing effects, and the impacts of blockchain on accounting, control, and auditing. His contributions, published in reputable journals, attest to his influence in these ever-evolving fields. »